Logic chips


In the field of digital electronics, logic chips are the essential requirements. Hobbyists, students, and researchers use these chips to design digital logic circuits. Digital logic design helps the designer to build complex electronic applications. Digital logic-designed products use electrical and computational characteristics. Nowadays every application is built by using basic digital circuits. Digital logic designing is helping in building the hardware architectures for computers and many other processors.


Why the logic chips are in demand?

Various Electronic components need the digital logical algorithms from a fundamental level to a higher level. Nowadays the FPGA-based design procedures are used to implement logical algorithms. But the solution for the students and hobbyists is very costly. The best replacement for higher-cost FPGA and CPLDs is the basic electronic logic chips. All the processing and designing can be performed by using the chips either PCB or breadboard. For hobbyists, the task of designing is a very fascinating task due to the interest factor. Logic chips can help in accomplishing the tasks. As far as the researcher’s concerned, design costs should be kept to a minimum and algorithm testing should be efficient. Logic chips can help them in achieving the desired goals.

How to design a logical circuit?

The first step is to analyze the statement and enlist the desired goals. The next step is the cost analysis that can help in the selection of the components. For low-cost designs, logic chips are the better choice. Still, the efficiency of programming-based designs is high but the cost factor is to be considered. That is why hobbyists and students prefer logic chips for mini-projects. The next step is to perform the computational analysis. The designer has to generate the truth tables, State diagrams, and design equations. Based on the design equation, one can choose the combinational logic or sequential logic based on the performance parameters and cost. In the case of combinational logic, the cost is minimal as the gate level circuits are used but it may cause more delays and low efficient performance. On the other hand, sequential logic uses the clock and flip-flops that, to enhance performance and minimize delays.

Some exciting and computational applications of digital logic chips are LED cube, Line following based maze solver, table edge-detection robot, vending machine, Laser shooting range, Cricket scoreboard, keyboard word detection, water tank control mechanism, counters, and calculators. Logic chips also help in building the architecture of the computer. Shift registers, Adders, and memory resters are used to implement the computer processor architecture.

Digital circuits are an improved version of analog circuits because of the precise computation and lesser loss in data due to the presence of memory registers. In digital circuits, easier control is ensured as a result of two input levels. A single transition can control the performance and can save time.


Amaxchip supplies many logical chips that contain Buffers, AND gates, OR gates, Flip flops, encoding chips, and decoding chips. These chips can help in building the digital logic circuits and can help the researchers in testing the algorithms.


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