A microcontroller is an integrated circuit (IC) device. The primary purpose of microcontrollers is to control portions of an electronic system. The microcontroller accomplishes its goal via a microprocessor unit (MPU) and some peripherals. Microcontrollers are ideal for embedded applications that require responsive interaction with analog or digital components. Microcontrollers have played a fundamental part in the technological revolution that contributed to modern life. They are small, versatile, and inexpensive devices that can be found in almost all electronic devices The LPC1768fbd100 is a cortex M3 microcontroller designed for embedded applications. The reason behind the widespread success of LPC1768fbd100 is that it features low power consumption and high-level integration at frequencies of 100 MHz The characteristics and advantages of the LPC1768fbd100 make it an ideal microcontroller for a large variety of applications. The LPC1768fbd100 comes with 512 KB of flash memory an...