FPGAs stand for field-programmable gate arrays. FPGAs are semiconductor devices designed to be reconfigured to the desired application after manufacturing. Essentially FPGAs is an integrated circuit (IC) that a user can program to carry out one or more logical operations. Field programmable refers to the reconfiguration of these devices after manufacturing, whereas arrays refer to the Integrated circuits. Unlike processors, FPGAs are parallel in their work. The performance of any application is not affected when more tasks need processing because each task is assigned and processed using a dedicated section of the FPGAs.

XCVU13P-2FHGB2104I is an FPGA manufactured by Xilinx. Xilinx manufactures various types of FPGAs. XCVU13P-2FHGB2104I falls into the category of Xilinx Virtex Ultra scale + FPGAs. Xilinx's XCVU13P-2FHGB2104I  offers Increased performance and on-chip Ultra RAM to reduce BOM cost. XCVU13P-2FHGB2104I  is an ideal mix of high-performance peripherals and cost-effective system implementation. This Ultra scale + FPGAS delivers the optimal balance between the smallest power envelope and the required system performance utilizing its various power options. XCVU13P-2FHGB2104I has 3,780,000 system logic cells, 3,456,000 CLB Flip-Flops and 1,728,000 CLB LTUs. XCVU13P-2FHGB2104I offers 48.3 Mb of Max distributed RAM, 95.5 Mb of Block RAM, 1280 Mb of ultra-RAM. There are four system monitors embedded in XCVU13P-2FHGB2104I.

XCVU13P-2FHGB2104I  is a part of the Ultra Scale+ family by Xilinx. The Ultra Scale + family enables users to migrate designs from one device or family to another using footprint compatibility. Ultra-Scale+ families offer Ultram, which is a high-density, dual-port, synchronous memory block. Each port can read from or write to the memory array independently. XCVU13P-2FHGB2104I supports two types of write enable schemes. Each 64-bit-wide Ultra RAM can generate, store and utilize eight additional Hamming code bits. Vertex Ultra Scale+ family incorporates 4GB or 8GB HBM stacks adjacent to the FPGA die. Using stacked silicon interconnect technology, the FPGA communicates to the HBM stacks through memory controllers that connect to dedicated low-inductance interconnect in the silicon interposer. XCVU13P-2FHGB2104I  contains one or two HBM stacks, resulting in up to 16GB of HBM per FPGA.

The advantages of XCVU13P-2FHGB2104I  are that the System Monitor blocks in the XCVU13P-2FHGB2104I  are used to enhance the overall safety, security, and reliability of the system by monitoring the physical environment via the on-chip power supply and temperature sensors, and external channels to the ADC. It also contains a robust clock management circuitry, including clock synthesis, buffering, and routing components that together provide a competitive framework to meet design requirements. The clock network allows for highly flexible distribution of clocks to minimize the skew, power consumption, and delay associated with clock signals


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