Artificial intelligence is dominating every field of life. Robots are designed to work on various platforms and domains. 

·         In the field of entrepreneurship, robots are handling business matters

·         In the field of medicine, robots are checking the vitals

·         In the field of agricultural engineering, intelligent solutions are being proposed

·         In industries, several intelligent machines are performing industrial automation.

·         In a nutshell, intelligent devices have taken charge of every matter of life.

How can you make a machine intelligent? For exploring the intelligent machine the first step is to analyze the intelligent component of the human body. Humans can perform every task due to their thinking ability. This thinking ability is due to the Brain. The identification of intelligent components of the human body helps researchers to introduce artificial intelligence. The technical domains are utilizing the intelligent components for achieving astonishing results, and these intelligent components are referred to as Microcontrollers. The word “Microcontroller” is highlighting its meaning by itself, Micro means small, and controller means a device that can control. Microcontrollers are small integrated programmable chips that can act as a brain for different devices. The workings of a microcontroller are dependent upon the loaded program. A single-chip interprets the data communicated by the  I/O peripherals taking action according to the loaded program. The microcontroller consists of a synchronous digital circuit that integrates a central processing unit (CPU) and memory to store firmware program code.

Different types of microcontrollers are available in the market. Categorization is performed based on memory, instruction set, bits, and architecture. For example:

·         AT91SAM7A1, AT91SAM7A2, AT91SAM7A3, AT91SAM7Xx, MAC7111, MAC7115, MAC7131, MAC7134, MAC7135, MAC7116, LPC2210, LPC2212, LPC2214, LPC2290, LPC2292, LPC2294, LH75400 and LH75401.

The aforementioned microcontrollers are manufactured by leading companies; Atmel, Freescale, Philips, and, sharp. Now for selecting the best microcontroller the following aspects need to considered:

·         Power consumption

·         Requirements of peripheral

·         Memory

·         Programming complexities

 ARM7 -AT91SAM7X is fulfilling the requirements and can be used as a microcontroller. Another proposed approach for satellite design is the use of PIC18LF8720 due to its external FRAM programmable memory. For most of the applications, Arduino is considered to be the best approach due to its friendly programable languages compared to raspberry pi and other microcontrollers. 

Programmable logic circuits are referred to as high-level microcontrollers and are suitable for large-scale applications. Sometimes the requirements of the systems are too high and cannot be accomplished by a single microcontroller. For that purpose, multiple microcontrollers can be used. The other approach to tackle the issue of high requirements is to use alternative components such as an FPGA and a CPLD. FPGAs is consisted up of many microcontrollers and provides higher onboard memory. However, in terms of cost, the solution is not satisfactory. But in terms of performance and accuracy, the FPGA is considered to be a promising tool in the practical implementation of artificial intelligence. The offered advantage of the microcontroller is its cost-effectiveness but it does compromise on efficiency.






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