ADV7604BBCZ-5 is a digitizer that contains an HDMI receiver. A video digitizer is a module that takes an analog frame and converts it to a digital frame. The alternative term used for digitizer is a decoder. An analog image is decoded into a digital image. The key parameter to evaluate the performance of the digitizer is an SNR. SNR, referred to as the signal-to-noise ratio, of the module is high.

The module ADV7604BBCZ-5 is an efficient digitizer with a high-definition multimedia interface receiver.  In addition to the HDMI receiver module, one main component processor (CP) can process the video signal from the HDMI receiver. The YPrPB and RGB component formats can be programmed by using this CP feature. The receiver is 1:4 multiplexed and supports 36-/30-/24-bit deep color. The operating frequency of the HDMI receiver is 225 Mhz. The module ADV7604BBCZ-5 can be operated in dual mode, Mode 1 is HDMI quad, and mode 2 is analog input mode. This feature enables the module ADV7604BBCZ-5 to perform the simultaneous processing of the videos. Hence enhancing the switching between HDMI and ADC. The module offers a flexible audio interface and enables high-resolution audio. The receiver supports the audio up to eight channels. It also provides the utility of super audio CD (SACD) to represent the audio Signal by the oversampled 1-bit.

How is the module ADV7604BBCZ-5 decoding the input signal?  The first step of digitization is performed by the front-end ADC. 12 bit decoding is enabled by the front-end analog to digital converters. 12 channel Voltage clamp control loops can remove the dc off-sets from the video signals. Input mux allows multiple video signals simultaneously without the requirement of any external mux. Fine clamping is performed in the component processor unit. HDMI receive of ADV7604BBCZ-5 performs the active equalization of the data signals. Equalization is performed to tackle the channel effects and obtain highly efficient results. HDMI performs the equalization and reception of audio and video packets. The CP section contains the AGC block that can manually set the video gain automatically. Automatic adjustments include the contrast and brightness of the video signal. 

For video decoders, graphics function matters a lot. The module ADV7604BBCZ-5 provides versatile graphics functions.

Automatic contrast and brightness control, manual clamp and gain maintenance, 170 MSPS conversion rate to support high-resolution RGB input. And color space conversion feature. Instability of time biasing and an Enhanced standard definition processor performs synchronization; ESDP is available for different input modes and can identify the characteristic of the input. Depending on the characteristic, ESDP performs the automatic configuration for other information.

The module is compact (15 mm x 15 mm), and Signal to noise ratio of the module ADV7604BBCZ-5  is almost 60 dB. These features of the module make it suitable for many broadcasting and video recording systems.


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